Monday, March 22, 2010

Geography of Jazobia

Jazobia is a beautiful island located in the Pacific Ocean off the eastern coast of Australia. Hydroelectricity is very important to our island. All power across the island is generated by a large wheel rotating in the ocean connected to special cables. These cables are connected to power boxes in the island. These power boxes are turned on and off by island authorities. If, at any time, this power box is destroyed, we have solar panels and windmills on the island that will automatically turn on.
We have a large volcano on the southern coast of our island that stopped erupting centuries ago. The children of the island like to play around in it during their free time.We also have tall, beautiful mountains. The reach up to 15,000 feet and glisten in the sun. We have mountain climbing classes for ages 12 and up. This mountain climbing is very safe and is monitored at all times. The mountain climbing is closed after dark for safety precautions. Just visit Jazobia and you will see more wonderful features of the island.
We have a tropical climate. It is between 70 and 80 degrees all year. It rains just enough so the crops can grow.

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