Monday, April 26, 2010


Many people suggested that we should add a defense system to our utopia. So, we thought it over and decided that it was best for the safety of our utopia. We have made an agreement with Australia. If, at any time, we get attacked by another country, we will be protected by Australia's army. We live a very short distance away from Austraia. So, we have many ships and submarines on the island in case an evacuation is needed.


  1. what if australia's army is in australia?? and they cant get to your island or whatever fast enough? wont it b destroyed? idk

  2. uhm....thats it? what if australia is too lazy to come to ur island. and yu will all die. then it will be destroyed.

  3. no they dont. they hate u people. and u will get attacked. and everyone will die cause your "friend" australia will b too lazy to come to your help cause ur utopia is too weak to have ur OWN defense system. the end. everyone's life ends.

  4. with a handshake and cross my heart and hope to die

  5. but then they crossed their fingers when u wasnt lookin so then they lied. the end. everyone is dead and you cant change it
