Monday, April 26, 2010


Many people suggested that we should add a defense system to our utopia. So, we thought it over and decided that it was best for the safety of our utopia. We have made an agreement with Australia. If, at any time, we get attacked by another country, we will be protected by Australia's army. We live a very short distance away from Austraia. So, we have many ships and submarines on the island in case an evacuation is needed.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This is the middle of our island where we discuss laws, punishments, organizations, and many more.

This is the flag of Jazobia. It symbolizes love, peace, honor, purity, and eternal life.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We are not extremely strict about family values, but we do have a few rules. We want to make sure our children have two mature individuals taking care of them, so you are not allowed to get married or have kids before the age of 21. If a woman has a child before the age of 21, then the child will be taken from her and taken care of by the woman's parents until she comes of age.
When a man and a woman decide to get married, they are required to live with each other for 6 months to test the marriage. If they decide not to get married, then they will separate and continue with their lives. If they decide to get married, then they have a wedding and a party afterwards. Then, they are given three months vacation from work while their house is built for them by the architects of the island. During this time, they are given a special vacation house to live in. After their house has been built and their three months vacation over, they will move into their house and do whatever they please with their lives.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Geography of Jazobia

Jazobia is a beautiful island located in the Pacific Ocean off the eastern coast of Australia. Hydroelectricity is very important to our island. All power across the island is generated by a large wheel rotating in the ocean connected to special cables. These cables are connected to power boxes in the island. These power boxes are turned on and off by island authorities. If, at any time, this power box is destroyed, we have solar panels and windmills on the island that will automatically turn on.
We have a large volcano on the southern coast of our island that stopped erupting centuries ago. The children of the island like to play around in it during their free time.We also have tall, beautiful mountains. The reach up to 15,000 feet and glisten in the sun. We have mountain climbing classes for ages 12 and up. This mountain climbing is very safe and is monitored at all times. The mountain climbing is closed after dark for safety precautions. Just visit Jazobia and you will see more wonderful features of the island.
We have a tropical climate. It is between 70 and 80 degrees all year. It rains just enough so the crops can grow.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


In Jazobia, we take our education very seriously. We have one very large 4-story schoolhouse.Children are required to go to school Monday- Thursday from 10:00-3:00. They are then free to do whatever they desire. All kids are put into school at the age of 4. Right now, they are considered a Level 1. Once that child has mastered all the skills of Level 1, that child is moved up to a Level 2. Then, to be moved up to a Level 3, that child must master all the skills of Level 2. This continues all the way up to Level 15. There is no time limit. Each child can spend as much or as little time as needed on each level. We believe that this system will ensure that each child is challenged according to their intellectual capacity and not just their age.
After they have mastered the skills of Level 15, they are given a diploma. Then, they may either go to college and major in a field of their choice or be a teacher to younger students. College also follows the level method, but only goes up to a Level 10. After the student has finished college, they are given a degree and the opportunity to work.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We make sure our citizens of Jazobia have their own personality. No one is the same in our Utopia. There are no uniforms unless in a organization, group, or club. everyone is free to their own opinion and style. Being unique is like a lifestyle here. We want people in all shapes, sizes, colors, heights, and etc. We strongly encourage new people and ideas. Our island is very open minded. Just come to our island and you will see the harmony of Jazobia!